METaheuristic REAPER Interface Controls
REAPER theme for Retina | HiDPI display monitor

METRIC is a labor of love.
As the name implies, it does not try to be best neither to be default user interface for REAPER. It is not guaranteed to be perfect, but it serves its goals satisfactory to achieve the optimal balance between beauty and more importantly functionality.
METRIC design heavily inspired by futuristic HUD (head-up display) from a science fiction movie, with a twist of its analog-eque face–since working with Digital Audio Workstation in a studio environment we are familiar with physical buttons and knobs which intuitively easy to comprehend as controls to manipulate audio signals.
METRIC is probably the darkest color themes for REAPER–it is really really…really dark. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially who had a fainted heart (or eyes). Its experimental user interface designed for fellas who brave enough to produce creative work on the edge of their creativity.
Enough words, let images speaks for itself.

Though a large demographic user will never ever touch the panel with their mouse click, it is worth every pixel on your million pixels Retina | HiDPI screen estate to have a beautiful feedback of your transport status with big illuminated buttons.

Track Control Panel layout meticulously designed to be practical yet responsive in any sizes. The layout for each controls layout in such a way to maintain symmetrical position, thus it would be very easy to look and swipe buttons vertically–whatever layout you are using in wherever the track position inside the hierarchy–even in its smallest form.


The default TCP layout features all controls for track. Color will only affect track label. Pan mode is distinguished by knobs color for balance, stereo, and dual pan respectively.


Summa layout hides all recording controls in the track, with horizontal fader substitutes the volume knob. This layout is best suited for folders and buses.


Equilibrium is layout with very minimum controls. This layout is perfect for doing draft balancing, thus you can focus on levelling the gain without distraction of unnecessary controls while creating a rough mix.


Pretty self-explanatory, Auxiliary layout meant for sends fx or any aux tracks. It features all the track controls–with the exception of recording controls, and big–adaptive–size meter on TCP, and bigger FX slots on MCP.


Dominion is layout with the most minimum controls. The very distinguished background color and the short track label is purposely designed for a controller track–whether it be Master VCA, Master Track Group or any automation controller.
Each Mixer Control Panel layout designed to have its Track Control Panel layout match respectively. Also, with the addition of Svelte the slender, the slim layout for Mixer Control Panel for the easiness of navigating mixer on a project with numerous amount of tracks.

Reduce the width of tracks on MCP more than half, thus you can see more than double amount of your tracks on mixer while keeping all controls visible.

Media item button is one of REAPER
unique feature. Slightly larger and offset media item buttons make it easy to look and click without adding visual excessiveness.
folder meter

Individual child tracks inside parent folder will be easy to monitor in super-collapse state since they turn into full-sized meter strip.
recording METER

METRIC is designed with layout efficiency in mind. Without having the need to switch to a dedicated layout with big meters, when the tracks are armed–both TCP and MCP meters automatically enlarge to a significant dimension to monitor recording level visually with ease–while temporarily hide other track controls which may not be needed while recording.
responsive layout

METRIC is designed for Retina | HiDPI display monitors, which have a tremendous amount of pixels. But since stretching is unavoidable, it will try not to squeeze any element as possible, at least it will hide them piece by piece.
Frequently asked questions
Of course. I designed this theme entirely on rMBP 2015 laptop. Works great on my 5K iMac monitor too.
This theme is specifically designed for Retina | HiDPI display monitors.
Your display monitor should be capable to render at least 2880-by-1800 px native resolution, and scaled it 200%.
Windows OS : Turn on 200% scaling for your display monitor.
macOS (with retina monitor) : On laptop, you might want to choose More Space on Resolution : Scaled options. Otherwise, you’re good to go.
There are only two fonts used in this theme.
- EXO2 font by Natanael Gama. Just google it, it is easy to find.
- METRIC font, for transport status. This font packed inside JRENG!_Metric.ReaperThemeZip file.
So, all you have to do is
- Copy the *.ReaperThemeZip file
- Rename the file extension from *.ReaperThemeZip to *.zip
- Unzip the file.
- Install the font to your OS.
I don’t think so.
I have spent 1339 hours 57 minutes and 13 seconds of my time working on this project, definitely overwhelming.
I want and have to make some music, and more music.
I am happy to discuss the problem in the forum.
You are granted to use this theme to produce great and exciting music, or perhaps just for showing off how cool your DAW look to your client in a mixing sessions, or just for your personal enjoyment because you fancy retro futuristic science fiction graphical user interface lives in your computer, whatever…do whatever makes you happy.
You may use whole, half, quarter, or any tiny-mini-portion of this theme to create another REAPER theme. But you may not take financial profit, demand nor receive any payment in any form for anything developed based (including using elements) from this theme.
You can have it for FREE, you are FREE to do anything with it, and let it be FREE.
Any alteration and modification, beyond theme hosted in this page will be your responsibility. You are not obligated to ask permission nor credit me. But if you do, i would be happy and appreciate it a lot.
- REAPER 5.0+
- Retina | HiDPI display monitors. With at least 2880-by-1800 px native resolution. On Windows OS scale must be set to 200%.
- Download JRENG!_Metric.ReaperThemeZip to your computer.
- You can Double click the file, Open it , Drag it to REAPER. Whatever should work just fine.
Here you go, knock yourself out.
The following deserves credit
- Cockos for developing such a beast Rapid Environment for Audio Production, Engineering and Recording Digital Audio Workstation.
- White Tie with his Imperial has influenced this theme development in a great manner.
- GMUNK with his OBLIVION GFX help this theme find its vision.
- Crimson Merry–an old friend, fellow UI designer who encourage me to dive and get my keyboard dirty with WALTER.